Optical surfaces out of steel without polishing. Ultrasonic assisted diamondturning on steel parts.
- Pyramidal mirrors
- Ellipsoids
- Masters
- Toroids of all types
- Roof mirrors
- Conical mirrors
- Bifocal paraboloidal mirrors
- Waxicons / axicons
- Stepped mirrors
- Chopper blades
- Scraper mirrors
- Cylindrical mirrors
Other special shapes are available on special order.
Figuring accuracy and surface roughness varies with:
- reflective-surface dimensions
- the types of surface figures specified
- the materials employed
- Oxygen-free copper (OFHC-CU)
- Aluminum
- Aluminum alloys (6082 and 6061 preferred)
- Brass
- Plastics (usually PMMA)
- Crystalline materials
- All nonferrous metals
Contact persons

Georg Boscher | +49 (0) 7552 – 4 05 99-42 |
Tobias Sieber | +49 (0) 7552 – 4 05 99-83 |
Responsible for: | Sales metal optics and tools |