Stand alone device

Utilize our interferometer systems with measurement apertures from 4 to 12 inches for your metrology needs. We provide a complete measuring station, including an isolated measuring table. Depending on the application, we also offer various upgrade levels.

4″ Interferometer

System: Laser based Fizeau-interferometry
Lens: Exchangeable spherical references
Bayonet lock
Standard series: 0,75 / 1,0 / 1,5 / 3,3 / 7,2
System quality: / 10
CNC-axis: X-Y-levelling
CNC-axis: Z- coarse / fine adjustment
Resolution: 768 x 576 Pixel
Z-travel: 500 mm
Dimensions: 950 x 330 x 400
Weight: ca. 40 kg
Typ: Helium-Neon  class II
Wavelength: 632,8 nm
Output power: 1,5 mW

Automatic fringe analysis
• Piezo phase- shift unit
• Software based on Windows 7
High-resulution Camera
Z- scale for precision radius measurement
Reference flat

4″ Interferometer

– Fizeau Interferometer
– 4″ -System
– Tabletop system
– Automatic interference evaluation

6″ Interferometer

– Fizeau Interferometer
– Measurement aperture 6″
– Granit base
– Passive vibration isolation system
– Automatic interference evaluation

System: Laser based, Fizeau-interferometry
Measurment of flatness characteristics of
superfinished, highly reflective surfaces and
optics (with additional components lapped
surfaces as well)
System quality: / 10
Sample feeding: horizontal (option: vertical)
Resolution: 768 x 576 Pixel
Dimensions: 800 mm x 800 mm x 2000 mm
Typ: Helium-Neon class II
Wavelength: 632,8 nm
Output power: 1,5 mW
Beam polarization: circular

Automatic fringe analysis
• Piezo phase- shift unit
• Software based on Windows 7
High-resulution Camera

6″ Interferometer

12″ Interferometer

System: Laser based, contactless, 3D optical
phase-shifting interferometry
Measurment of flatness characteristics of
superfinished, highly reflective surfaces and
optics (with additional components lapped
surfaces as well)
Sample feeding: horizontal (option: vertical)
System quality: / 8
Resolution Camera 768 x 576 Pixel,
(option: higher resolution)
Typ: Helium-Neon class II
Wavelength: 632,8 nm
Output power: 1,5 mW
Beam polarization: circular
  • Livebild am Monitor
  • Software für Windows 7
  • Automatische Generierung von Protokollen
  • 2D und 3D Graphik
  • Unterschiedliche Messdarstellungen
  • Kalibrierung manuell/automatisch
  • Zoom
  • System quality: . ./10
  • High resolution Camera

12″ Interferometer

– Fizeau Interferometer
– Measuring diameters from 4″ to 12″
– Granit base
- Passive vibration isolation system
– Automatic interference evaluation

Contact person

Richard Widemann
First name: Richard
Last name: Widemann
Responsible for: UP-technology, service
Phone: +49 (0) 7552 – 4 05 99-80


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